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 As much as difficuties  cannot be challenge or argue upon, it seems to me, we are left with the impression that our present predicament had been our own making. Well if that is so, you could also say that, the present problem in Ghana is just not a matter for Ghana only. If you pick up any newspaper and glace through, you will find that such differ cuties is all over the African continent and within the Black race. The question is, if that is correct, why? To me The Black race had been cause. If not so why had the black race not seen salvation, but rather going backwards while others gearing ahead.

The Problem is that, we had rejected our God given culture and traditions, our beliefs had been undermined by the white race. We‘re confuse, we don’t belief in ourselves, Emancipations of the black race had been destroy. Blacks hate each other for no reason, Leaders see themselves as supreme, they only think about themselves, not the country or the population. Honest and good people had kept quite, evil and wicked people had taken over the affairs of the nation. Fools with nothing to offer the human race are championing the affairs of the so call, the poor. In the present dispensation Fools and evil men and women in dog collars had taken the scene, so call Born again pastors had taken the conscience of our people, and making our dear brothers and sisters Poor in spirit and confuse.

Well, will our economical situations be improve by attending Church services every Sunday and all night Fridays? Will singing shouting and calling Jehovah and speaking in tongues bring us peace and improve our living standards? This evil Pastors played on our love ones emotions. These evils of today are the problem of our time. Religion is the tool the white race use to confuse us, now they had left it to our own to continue with this wicked method of control. Religion of the white race is the main obstacle to our development both psychology and mentally. From your text it was seen that from independence we’re rather moving backwards, not forward. Religion had taken over the soul and spirit of our dear land. Our dear people are confused; the white man had destroyed our way of life and beliefs. Our culture and traditions had been questioned. The only way forward is to destroyed the white race’s religion and back to ours. That is when LOVE and Brother ness will begin again.




Well I have heard alot about you on the radio but this is the first time I have read something about your writings.

I see you to be the most confused person living on this planet at the moment because you seem to have some valid issues about the black race but you have allowed your brain to messed up by tampling with religion.

I presume you are in the UK the whiteman's country; the question is why don't you go and stay in your own country and make noise about your so called beautiful traditions.
Who are you to tell people about what to believe in? Your arguement are so baseless and simplistic simply for the fact that you want to enjoy the good things in the whiteman's country and yet spite him with religion. Let me tell you for a fact that I don't consider your debates to be intellectual because no intelligent person will be that myopic.

It is true that the practices of the past have the put black race down in every aspect of life but is that the end of the story? Everyone including the whites suffer from the demise of the black race. It is up to us to assure ourselves of how to reject the influence of the past and hold on to the opportunities of the future. Yes we can cannot forget the past yet we cannot afford to dwell on the past since it only breeds discouragement, anger, rage, violence and all the bad things you can think of.
Your attack on the bible and pastors has only one meaning- ignorance; you are too drowned with your own idealogies that you don't seem to see anything good about religion most especially the Christain religion. I'm not here to defend my religion because your opinion has no effect at all about the way God works.

The only potent weapon that can turn our fortunes around is the weapon of Love and no BOOK and I repeat no BOOK talks extensively about love more than the BIBLE (1Corinthians 13) . I've been a christian for years now and I have never regretted making that choice. I'm in my early 30's and I'm pleased with what I have achieved so far and all my mentors and inspirers are good christians.
I agree with you that so many fake and crude pastors are seroiusly contributing to our present predicament and I equally have a problem with them as you may do.
My bible tells me that people will perish for lack of knowledge(Hosea4:6) , in all my gettings I should get wisdom, I should buy the truth and sell it not, all hard work brings profit, and that if you are deligent in your work then you will stand before kings,if you are lazy disaster will strick without warning.All these can be found in the book of proverbs and I will recommend that part of the bible to you.

I just want to prove to you that no one that follows the teachings of the bible will go through these problems for ever. At times people go through trying moments to learn more about God and life. So don't you dare say that bible is making people lazy and go through problems. You want me to reject the bible and follow blindly to these simplistic debate you have been raising all the time?
What is so beautiful about carrying fellow human beings on our head? Killing people and buring them with dead chiefs to go and serve them in the grave. You tell me how long have you been here and when do you intend to go back? You are so soo sooo confused that I think you should shut up and allow some great Africans to inspire us.
Look back to some of the great people that championed the course of the black race: Martin Luther King Jr, Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela just to mention a few. These men had brains and they never thought like you yet they touched every race including the whites. We need more people like them not people like you, who blame the bible for even running out of gas in their own homes.
You brain is seriously sick so sort it out because I sincerely believe that you have a point to raise but at the moment you are messing up big time.

I'm not finished with you yet, you will hear from me again



Akwasi, I am very grateful for your contribution. I am sure after this noble debate, we shall both learn from each other or agree to disagree. Such technique is very healthy and noble. Akwasi after reading through your piece, I will like to go through with you line by line. Your points were very fascinating. One thing I will extol you for, is having the time to debate such wonderful subject matter with me. I will hope it will end as friendly as possible, without any ill feeling toward each other. My answer to yours will be on four prone, this is the first one, and the second will follow soon.



  Now from your piece you see me as being confuse, well I will rather turn it to you as being the mystify person. From your text it seems to me that you see yourself as a Christian. And you and your friends success in life is due to your Christian convictions. What a comic story? I will educate you here about your own religion if you’re not aware. Before I start I want to make it clear to you and the readers of this forum. I had on no occasion condemn anybody’s beliefs. I will never and never will I go that level. What I do is to unearth and challenge the lies being told about Christianity and religion as a whole. If you want to choose that level it is rather the Christian religion that tries to undermine other religion especially when it comes to African religion and traditions. It’s the Christian religion who sees itself as “supreme and the best”. And it is through that faith only, that wisdom can be acquired. What garbage thought? A religion that slaughtered our fore fathers who rejected the new form faith. Akwasi, come up with more convinced thought.




   Just go into history you could see that religion had been the course of all our difficulties. Starting from the witch burning in Spain and the slaughting of innocent people in France, not mentioning the Crusaders. This entire evil act was all done in the name of the Christian Religion. I don’t even want to go into what happen in Africa, spreading of the Christian religion was done with brute force. Locals saw the new form of religion as invaders, these locals stood their ground resisting these “new Religion” What happen? They were brutally massacred I don’t want to go into more history at this juncture. Religion as they stand is a man’s owns creation The Creator God never created religion.


    The early church wanted a form of control, Death and knowing of dying was a weapon, Mind control, polluting of ideas and fear was a tool use by the church. A lot were force to donate all their wealth to the church as a way of “going to God” in heaven or not dying at all. All these lies are still being told by these so call Pastors, Prophets Elders, Reverends and Bishops of these Christian institutions. A lot are using Religion to steal from their church members. Just visit the charity commission website and you will be shock.98% of Black Churches had been accused of stealing from their members. When I talk I do that with authority. I thought you will have come and praise me in condemning such evil practices. I will end here with the first part of your “attack” I had not finish with you yet. Just get your self ready. The next will be your so call quotations. Wait for more.



Thanks for your reply but I want to make this clear that I'm not really interested in debating religion because I'm a christian but not a religious person. I try to live like Christ because no one's life has had such a positive impact on my than Jesus Christ.

You said a lot about historical facts or fiction about what was done to people in the name of the christian religion. Anyone that killed in the name of Christ was not inspired by the humble spirit of Jesus. He rebuked violence and preached Love, I hope you remeber what He told Peter when cut off someone's ear?

Jesus never preached about using force so if people used force in the past then let me tell you that they did it out of their own corrupt human convictions. They were never inspired by the Spirit of Jesus Christ the LORD of the Christian faith.

I know there are fake and crude so called men of God deceiving ignorant, innocent and noble people in the name of Christ but then the bible has already made mention of this so this is nothing new. You are only repeating what has been said thousands of years ago. I personally can't stand such wicked men who pry on others but I will never attribute their failings to the christian faith. If you choose to be lazy then any smart individual can out wit you with any thing.

You did not address the issues I raised about you being confused. I'm going to add another one; your first name is Peter and I presume you know the origin and meaning of your name. That name came from Jesus (read Mathew 16:13-20) and he built the church you are castigating on the name Peter. I don't know whether your parents gave it to you or you picked the name yourself. I will only take you serious when you remove the name Peter from your names because it's not just a name it has a srtong bearing on the lives of many. So all your attacks against the Christian faith will just be a joke.

I not sure whether you are launching a crusade against religion and for that matter the Christian Faith or your crusade is against the under achievement of the black race. The two are miles apart, so you will get seriously confused when you muddle them up.

If you want to be heard, then leave the comfort created by the whiteman's traditions and go to your country and cry out loud. At the moment I still see your stand on religion as a joke. You are not the first to start and you definitely not be the one to end it.

A word of advice drop this religion nonsense and lets think of the way forward. I personally believe that if we decide to raise our voices at the right places in a right manner,  then our ignorant brothers and sisters will not fall prey the schemes of fake men with bibles preaching deception.

I rest my case here.

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